Einstein Workshop, Nov 18-19, 2016

Workshop on Experimental Philosophy: Methods and New Directions

The Experimental Philosophy Group Germany and the group of the Einstein Visiting Fellow Jesse Prinz (Berlin School of Mind and Brain, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) are happy to announce a 1.5-day workshop on Experimental Philosophy, which will take place on Friday, 18 November 2016 and Saturday, 19 November 2016 at Humboldt-Universität zu 

Berlin, Germany.


Research in Experimental Philosophy has developed massively during the last 10-15 years. New experimental tools are now available, and new methods are applied to investigate philosophical problems. This workshop aims to acquaint philosophers at all levels interested in experimental philosophy with the state-of-the-art in experimental philosophy. For this purpose, two leading experts in these fields – Jesse Prinz and Justin Sytsma – 

will head this workshop on methods and new directions in experimental philosophy. The workshop is targeted both at beginners to experimental philosophy as well as researchers 

who have already carried out experiments but would like to deepen their knowledge on how to best conduct an experimental project.


The workshop's aim is to convey the tools necessary to carry out an experimental research project. Its focus will be on (i) how to best design an experiment, (ii) how to conduct a 

study using internet platforms, and (iii) how to analyze data using statistics software. The workshop will include talks by Jesse Prinz and Justin Sytsma, and workshop 

participants will have the chance to present their work in short talks and / or during a poster session. Both, presentations of recently undertaken work as well as ideas 

for new experimental projects, are welcome.


The workshop will be followed by a Conference on Experimental Moral Psychology and Philosophy on Sunday, 20 November 2016


If you would like to participate in the workshop, please send an email with an expression of interest to: germanxphigroup@gmail.com

For more information, please go to:



This workshop is funded by the Einstein Foundation Berlin and is jointly organized by the Experimental Philosophy Group Germany and by Jesse Prinz' Einstein Group at the 

Berlin School of Mind and Brain, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. 



Workshop Leaders:

Jesse Prinz (CUNY / Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)

Justin Sytsma (Victoria University of Wellington)


Further Speakers at the Workshop

Roland Bluhm

Kevin Reuter (University of Bern)

Alex Wiegmann (University of Göttingen)




Lara Pourabdolrahim (Associated Researcher, Einstein Group)

Kevin Reuter (University of Bern)

Pascale Willemsen (Ruhr University Bochum)


Joerg Fingerhut (Einstein Group, Berlin School of Mind and Brain)

Jesse Prinz (CUNY / Einstein Visiting Fellow, Berlin School of Mind and Brain)



Berlin School of Mind and Brain

Humboldt Universität zu Berlin

(Humboldt Graduate School)

Luisenstrasse 56, Haus 1

10117 Berlin

Festsaal & Room 220


How to get there by public transport:

The closest stations are ‘Hauptbahnhof’ (national & local trains, TXL bus from airport Tegel, S-Bahn), ‘Oranienburger Tor’ (U-Bahn), and ‘Friedrichstraße’ (S-Bahn and U-Bahn). Bus No 147 stops at ‘Luisenstraße/Charité’ near our building.




Friday, November 18, 2016


 13.00 – 13.15      Welcome & Introduction

 13.15 – 14.15      Keynote Justin Sytsma (Wellington): Are religious philosophers less                                               analytic?

 Coffee break


14.45 – 15.45      Justin Sytsma: The theory of experimental philosophy


Short coffee break


16.00 – 17.00      Justin Sytsma: The practice of experimental philosophy


Short coffee break


17.15 – 18.15      Jesse Prinz (New York, Berlin): TBA


Short coffee break


18.30 – 19.30      Jesse Prinz: TBA



Saturday, November 19, 2016


9.00 – 9.30           FESTSAAL                                                    ROOM 220

                                Philipp Huebl:                                             Cecilea Mun:

                               Choosing the lesser evil.                            Challenging intuitions on emotions

                               How to put up with                

                               the consequences of our actions                                  


9.30-10.00            Rodrigo J Díaz:                                            Laura Kaltwasser:

                               Partiality and impartiality: Which one      On the relationship of emotional                                      do we value more?                                       abilities and prosocial behavior


Short coffee break


10.15 – 10.45      Veselina Kadreva et al:                               Gen Eickers:

                               First vs. third person moral dilemmas.    Stereotypes in social interaction: 

                               Bio-signal based research.                         Asymmetries in mental state and                                                                                                             action attributions


10.45 – 11.15      Hanno Sauer:                                                Susanne Kroeger:

                               Vindicating arguments                                Moral philosophy at the                                                                                                                              intersection of neuroscience and                                                                                                              moral experimental psychology                                        

Short coffee break


11.30 – 12.45      Roland Bluhm and Kevin Reuter (Bern): Corpus Studies


Lunch break


13.30 – 14.45      Blitz Talks 

  1. Robin G. Loehr: Biased experts: Experimental philosophy as a psychology of philosophy
  2. Monika Bystroňová: Folk blaming and punishment: New connections
  3. Anita Keshmirian, Yasaman Rafiee and Javad Hatami: Using the internet and morality: An exploratory research on the relationship between using the internet and moral decision making
  4. Yasaman Rafiee, Anita Keshmirian, Javad Hatami and Bahar Sadeghi Abdollahi: The effect of menstrual cycle on women’s moral decision making in fertility ages, based on dual process theory
  5. Hyo-Eun Kim: Pain and moral judgment
  6. Jan Horský: "Walking the walk": Moral judgment & moral decision-making
  7.  Brian Jabarian: Moral and markets: How do they go together?
  8.  Haim Cohen: Moral Judgments: belief-like or desire-like?
  9. Michaela Košová: (Inter)personal Identity 
  10. Adriana Alcaraz: Where’s grounded our sense of Self?: Phenomenal selfhood, full-body illusions and dreams
  11. Adrianna Smurzyńska: Analogy and other minds – the experimental study
  12.  Sanna Hirvonen: Do speakers believe that judgments of taste are subjective?
  13.  Alexander Dinges: Knowledge and availability
  14.  Grzegorz Gaszczyk: Empirical study on selfless assertion
  15. Katalin Tihanyi: The challenge of testing referential intuitions
  16. David Merry: Experiments for Lucretius
  17. Joerg Fingerhut and Aenne A. Brielmann: Ideal proportions and beauty: Natural and artistic beauty do not align

14.45 – 15.15      Poster Session


Short coffee break


15.30 – 16.45      Alex Wiegmann (Göttingen): Statistics


Short coffee break


17.00 – 17.30      FESTSAAL                                                   ROOM 220

                               Robin Kopecky:                                          Nora Heinzelmann:             

                               Between moral psychology and              Delay discounting and weakness of 

                               philosophy: Methodological and             will

                               philosophical problems                            

                               of using thought experiments            


17.30 – 18.00      Carme Isern-Mas, Antoni Gomila:           Benjamin Fischer, Damar  Hoogland                                 Looking into the sense of justice             and Björn Jorges: Do scientific

                                                                                                      convictions serve as buffer     

                                                                                                      against death anxiety?                                                                                                            

Short coffee break


18.15 – 19.15      Keynote Jesse Prinz (New York, Berlin): The moral self




Program with Abstracts
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